Privacy Policy
Privacy Notice for Patients
This privacy policy sets out how The Staines Centre of Dental Excellence uses and protects any information that you give when you use this website.
The practice is committed to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), GDC, NHS and other standards.
The practice only keeps relevant information about employees for the purposes of employment, and about patients to provide them with safe and appropriate dental care.
The person responsible for Data Protection is Vander Broom Our legal basis for processing data is:
- Consent
- Processing is necessary for the performance of our care for patients
- And the health care data we process is called special data, our legal basis for processing it is:
Processing is necessary for the purposes of preventative or occupational medicine, for assessing the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or management of health or social care systems and services on the basis of Union or Member State law or a contract with a health professional.
Hard copy and computerised records are stored, reviewed and updated securely and confidentially. Records are securely destroyed when no longer required. Confidential information is only seen by personnel who need to see it and the team are trained on our policies and procedures to keep patient information confidential.
To facilitate patients’ health care, the personal information may be disclosed to a dentist, doctor, health care professional, hospital, NHS authorities, HMRC, the Benefits Agency (when claiming exemption or remission from NHS charges) or private dental schemes of which the patient is a member and CQC has powers under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 to access and use information where they consider this is necessary for them to carry out their functions as a regulator. Where possible inspectors will explain why they are asking to look at certain records. They will consider any concerns and objections raised to them, and whether they can achieve CQC’s purpose by accessing the records of someone else. However, CQC relies on its legal powers to access information rather than consent, therefore may use its powers to access records even in cases where objections have been raised.
More detail on how CQC ensure compliance with data protection law (including GDPR) and their privacy statement is available on their website
In all cases only relevant information is shared. In very limited cases, such as for identification purposes, or if required by law, information may have to be shared with a party not involved in the patient’s health care. In all other cases, information is never disclosed to such a third party without the patient’s written authority.
All confidential information is sent via secure methods. Electronic communications and stored data are encrypted. All computerised clinical records are backed up and encrypted copies are kept off-site. No information or comments about patients are posted on social networking or blogging sites.
Access is strictly controlled and limited to persons who need to have access to information in the course of their duties.
What personal information do we need to hold?
- We need to hold your past and present medical & dental condition. Details such as your age, address, telephone number and your general medical practitioner.
- We may need to request details of your NHS number and entitlement to healthcare treatment and exemption status if applicable.
- We will need to take and store Radiographs, clinical photographs and study models.
- We will need to keep information about the treatment we have proposed and provided along with its price.
- Notes of conversations or incidents that might occur for which a record needs to be kept.
- Records of permission or consent for treatment.
- Any correspondence relating to you with other health care professionals, for example in the hospital or community services.
Why do we hold this information?
We keep accurate personal data about patients in order to provide you with appropriate and safe dental care. We also need to process personal data about you if we are providing care under NHS arrangements and to ensure the proper management and administration of the NHS.
Retaining Information
We are required to retain your dental records, X-rays and study models while you are a patient of this practice and after you cease to be a patient for a minimum of 11 years or until the age of 25 (whichever is longer).
There are several other documents that we may collect that have a variety of retention dates, for example the NHS PR form – used to declare payment exemptions – which needs to be kept for 2 years minimum. We have a retention schedule listing all documents and the timeframes for disposal. Retention periods may be changed from time to time based on business or legal and regulatory requirements
Information about you is stored in The Staines Centre of Dental Excellence’s computer system and/or in a secure manual filing system. The information is only accessible to authorised personnel. Personal information will not be removed from this practice without the patients authorised consent.
Your personal information is protected by the staff at The Staines Centre of Dental Excellence. All access to information is held securely and can only be accessed by password which are routinely changed. Data is encrypted, and computer terminals are locked if unattended.
This includes:
- Password protection
- Locked cabinets/rooms
- Practice security systems (including CCTV) Virus protection
- Secure servers
- Back-up facilities
- Secure cloud-based storage
You have a right to access the information that we hold about you and to receive a copy. You can make a request by contacting your practice or by e-mailing to
You have a right to correct any information that you believe is inaccurate or incomplete. Please contact your practice to request a change in information.
You have a right to request that we delete your personal information, although you should be aware that, for legal reasons, we may be unable to erase certain information (for example, information about your dental treatment). Please contact your practice to make this request.
You have the right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal information for example, sending you reminders for appointments or information about our service. Please contact your practice to make this request.
You have a right to data portability; this could include supplying your information to another dentist. Please contact your practice to make this request.
If you have any concerns about how we use your information and you do not feel able to discuss it with your dentist or anyone at the practice, you can contact our Data Protection Officer via email at
You can also seek advice from The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, or start a live chat or call helpline on 0303 123 1113.
We may need to disclose your information. In order to provide proper and safe dental care to:
- Other health professionals caring for you are including but not limited to your general medical practitioner and the hospital or community dental services.
- NHS payment authorities.
- The Inland Revenue.
- The Benefit Agency, where you are claiming exemption or remission from NHS charges.
- Private dental schemes of which you are a member.
- Should a patient make a complaint or claim, we may need to provide information about the patient, and treatment they have received, to insurers, indemnifiers or legal advisers.
Disclosure will take place when relevant at a need to know basis. This means only those individuals or organisations that need to know in order to provide care to you and for the proper administration of Government will be given this information. Only information that the recipient needs to know will be disclosed.
In very limited circumstances or when required by law of a court order, personal data may have to be disclosed to a third party not connected with your health care. In all other situations, disclosure that is not covered by this Code of Practice will only occur when we have your specific consent. Where possible you will be informed of these requests for disclosure.
Approved By: Irina Cruceanu Date Published: 30/05/2023
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Uncompromising general, cosmetic & implant dentistry
We pride ourselves on the highest standard of patient care and aim to provide our patients with the very best that dentistry has to offer in an informal, and above all caring manner. The Dentists at our practice have been chosen on the basis of their unquestionable desire to achieve the very best for their patients and thus, they have participated heavily in post graduate level education to achieve this fundamental goal.
Practice Opening Hours
Monday | 8:00 – 19:00 |
Tuesday | 8:00 – 17:30 |
Wednesday | 8:00 – 19:00 |
Thursday | 8:00 – 17:30 |
Friday | 8:00 – 17:00 |
Saturday | 8:30 – 12:00 |
Sunday | CLOSED |